
Congratulations on your upcoming graduation! 随着你们在韦兰浸会大学学习经历的结束, please keep the following dates and procedures in mind:


Graduation Application Deadlines:
For December Graduation - Students must apply by September 15, 2023
For May Graduation - Students must apply by February 15, 2024



10:30 a.m. on each graduation day (see dates below), this 仪式 takes place in Harral
Memorial Auditorium this May 18, 2024. For Torch and Mantle graduating seniors are encouraged
continuing the thread that runs through generations of Wayland graduates. 学生活动赞助了这个传统的活动,并很乐意回答问题:806-291-3752.


December Commencement - 2:00 p.m. sharp, Saturday, December 9, 2023:

在哈切森体育馆. Prior to the commencement 仪式, graduating seniors must arrive at the 哈拉尔纪念礼堂 不迟于下午一点.m. on Saturday to line up for the 仪式. Students selected as platform party participants will rehearse at 1:30 p.m. the Friday before commencement in the Hutcherson Gymnasium.

12月毕业,被选为平台晚会参与者的同学将在下午1:30排练.m. on Friday, December 8, 2023, in Hutcherson Gymnasium. 所有其他即将毕业的大四学生必须在下午1点之前到达哈拉纪念礼堂.m. on Saturday, December 9, to line up for the


五月毕业典礼-下午2:00.m. sharp, Saturday, May 18, 2024: 

在哈切森体育馆. Prior to the commencement 仪式, graduating seniors must arrive at the 哈拉尔纪念礼堂 不迟于下午一点.m. on Saturday to line up for the 仪式. Students selected as platform party participants will rehearse at 1:30 p.m. the Friday before commencement in Hutcherson Gymnasium.




男士应穿深色裤子、正装衬衫和领带,穿黑色鞋子(不能穿网球鞋或人字拖)。. 建议女性穿黑色鞋子的裙子(不能穿网球鞋或人字拖)。. Simple or no jewelry is preferred

目前在普莱恩维尤校区注册GRAD0001的学生将在课堂上获得一顶帽子和一件长袍. Others will need to contact their respective office to arrange for pickup:

请在毕业典礼前安排领取礼服,因为礼服应在典礼前熨烫. 学校商店将在毕业典礼当天早上开放,以方便那些没有提前领取礼服的学生. The cap and gown are yours to keep.

Caps or mortar boards and gowns must remain in their original state; no decorations may be added. 在仪式上, men will remove their caps during prayer, 承诺, 圣经, 还有母校. Women will wear their caps at all times.

Doctoral and Master’s degree students will wear the tassel on the left; baccalaureate degree students will wear the tassel on the right.

In addition to the above, graduates may wear the following during the 仪式:

  1. Wayland Latin or academic honor cords, 披肩, or 腰带
  2. Wayland Honors Program or Torch and Mantle medallions
  3. 代表学生遗产、种族和/或本土文化的披肩或腰带
    宽度大于5.5 inches across at the widest point, and no longer than 72 inches in length.

Graduating students who wish to wear 披肩 or 腰带 that represent their heritage, 种族, 和/或本土文化必须联系大学注册办公室获得批准 不迟于毕业典礼前8天(通常是期末考试的周五)向副注册主任或注册主任申请

In accordance with University values, the wearing of non-academic 披肩 is purely at the discretion of the university. Students’ attire will be assessed prior to walking the stage, 非学术性的, 披肩, or similar items may be removed if they do not fit the criteria listed above. 不遵守着装要求的毕业生可能会被排除在毕业典礼之外.

经济衰退之后, graduates may add supplementary cords, 披肩, 腰带, or other celebratory attire.



毕业典礼结合了传统的学士学位典礼和正式的毕业典礼, 参与者被要求遵循这些指示,以便在活动中保持镇静.

Graduating seniors will assemble 不迟于下午一点.m. 显示:

December Commencement and Campus March - Doctoral, 硕士和学士学位候选人将在哈拉尔纪念礼堂见面. (In case of inclement weather, 所有毕业生将在哈切森体育馆的南走廊(体育馆层)排队.)

May Commencement and Campus March - Doctoral, 硕士和学士学位候选人将在哈拉尔纪念礼堂见面. (In case of inclement weather, 所有毕业生将在哈切森体育馆的南走廊(体育馆层)排队.)

Guests should arrive no earlier than 1:00 p.m. 马上就坐. 我们要求所有的毕业生的客人作为一个团体到达,以便这个团体可以坐在一起. 毕业典礼后,我们将在兰尼中心为毕业生举行招待会, and all guests are welcome to attend.

一级助理司仪, 二级助理元帅, and University Registrar staff will assist in the line-up. Students will be given a 3x5 card with their name printed on it; keep this card and present it to the announcer when it is time for you to be recognized. If you are concerned that the announcer might not pronounce your name correctly, please contact the University Registrar's Office two weeks prior to graduation.

The Chief Marshal will lead the Platform Party into the gymnasium and onto the stage. The Alternate Marshal will lead the 教师 to their seats. Please proceed as directed by the Marshals.

第一副法警将带领硕士候选人到适当的座位. 硕士学位考生将在游行队伍中左臂上挎着兜帽,然后走上舞台. 候选人将伸出左臂,让兜帽党成员取下兜帽.

第二副元帅将带领剩下的候选人,让他们坐在合适的位置上. The students should remain standing until the processional has completed.

At the time in the program designated “Conferring of Degrees,第一助理法警和第二助理法警将带领毕业生从他们的座位上到指定的区域. Please refrain from talking, as it is audible to the audience and distracting. 此外,请记得在讲台上停下来,并将姓名信息卡交给播音员. Wait for your name to be read, and then proceed across to the President to receive your diploma cover. 当收到校长颁发的文凭封面时,再次暂停,以便摄影师可以拍好照片.

学生从校长手中接过毕业证书,并受到校董会主席的祝贺, 他们将穿过讲台走到大学教务处的桌子上收集毕业证书材料. Students will then return to their previous seat. Please do not cut across the front of the gymnasium, and please wait to open the packet of diploma materials until after the 仪式.

After all diploma covers have been distributed, the graduates will be instructed to stand for the conferring of degrees. 总统将授予学位,然后指示那些获得学士学位的人将他们的流苏从右边移到左边.

The Graduation Recessional will exit as directed by the Marshals; listen for instructions.

当校长颁发你的毕业证书时,专业摄影师会为你拍照. While family members and friends may take video and/or pictures from their seats, they are asked not to go to the front of the gymnasium during the 仪式. Adhering to this policy adds to the dignity of the graduation 仪式.

Since commencement should be an honorable distinguished 仪式, 请提醒你的亲朋好友,叫到你的名字时不要发出干扰你的声音,以免让你感到尴尬或冒犯你的同学.

Please ask your family to arrange childcare for babies and small children. 如果这是不可能的,请把爱哭闹的孩子带到另一个地方.


停车场将在哈拉尔纪念中心停车场和哈切森中心停车场提供. Watch for individuals directing parking, and prepare to park as suggested. The traffic will be in one-way directions before and after the 仪式. Please leave all valuables locked in the trunk of your vehicle.

如需澄清, 请通过电子邮件或电话(见下文)与教务副校长办公室联系。. 您也可以在办公时间到盖茨大厅一楼行政套房的办公室.


Dr. Cindy Marlow McClenagan Vice President of Academic Affairs Wayland Baptist University
1900 West 7th Street, CMB #1275
Plainview, Texas 79072-6998
电子邮件: kingt@evanmathieson.net ——Alee King