
In accordance with the Higher Education Act of 1965, 修订的, Wayl和 Baptist University is required to share statistics 和/or information on a wide variety of subjects. 下面的列表解释了每个项目.

Please call for help in locating any of the listed reports. Paper copies of listed reports may also be provided on request.




学术项目 一般机构资料
认证 健康与安全
大学导航网站 机构的政策
FERPA法案和年度通知 学生的结果
财务信息 选民登记



Current degree programs offered by the institution; written agreements with other institutions; information on instructional, 实验室, 和 other physical facilities related to the academic programs; information on faculty 和 other instructional personnel; 和 plans the institution has for improving the academic programs



协会名称, 机构, 或者政府机构的认证, 批准, 或者授权该机构及其项目.





College Navigator is a free consumer information tool designed to help students, 父母, 高中辅导员, 其他人得到的信息大于7,000 postsecondary institutions in the United 状态s - such as programs offered, 留校率和毕业率, 价格, 援助可用, 学位授予, 校园安全, 和认证.





The Family Educational Rights 和 隐私 Act (FERPA) of 1974 is intended to protect the privacy of a student's educational records, to establish the right of students to inspect 和 review their educational records, 和 to provide guidelines for the correction of inaccurate or misleading data through informal 和 formal hearings. 有关FERPA的一般资料,请浏览 U.S. 教育部网站.






就读院校费用: Cost of attending for one semester; including tuition, 费用, 书, 供应, 房间, 董事会, 运输, 还有任何额外的费用吗?

Financial Assistance Available 和 Eligibility: 所有联邦探员的描述, 状态, 当地的, 私人, 和 institutional student financial assistance programs available to enrolled students 和 the eligibility requirements of each. 资料也可在 学术目录.

净价计算器: Use the tuition cost calculator to obtain an early estimate of available financial aid options

退款政策退还款: Policy for the return of unearned tuition 和 费用 or other refundable portions of costs paid to the institution

Return of Title IV Grant or Loan Assistance: A summary of the requirements for the return of Title IV grant or loan assistance

退还军事学费援助: A summary of the requirements for the return of unearned military tuition assistance to the Department of Defense

贷款条款及条件: Terms of loans received by a student as part of the student's financial assistance package, a sample loan repayment schedule for sample loans 和 the necessity for repaying loans



学生群体的多样性: Information on enrolled 全职 students by gender, 种族/民族, 以及联邦佩尔助学金获得者

职业服务: The Office of 职业服务 helps students find career opportunities that fit their interests 和 skills, as well as guide them in preparing for their chosen field.

Intercollegiate Athletic Program Participation Rates 和 Financial Support Data (Equity in 体育运动 Disclosure Act): A listing of varsity teams that compete in intercollegiate athletic competition including program participation 和 financial data for each

Special 设施 和 Services for Disabled Students: A description of a special facilities 和 services for disabled students

学生活动: A list of student activities 和 organizations

留学项目 : Student enrollment in study abroad programs as related to assistance under Title IV, HEA programs

教材信息: The University Store provides information on what text书 和 other course materials students will need for the classes they select. Textbook information may be searched by Campus, Department, Course 和 Section Number. The information provided regarding text书 includes Title, 作者, 版, ISBN号和定价信息.



保安及消防安全年度报告: Campus crime statistics 和 fire safety report for the three most recent calendar years 和 policies regarding emergency response 和 evacuation procedures.

预防药物和酒精滥用方案: Information regarding the alcohol 和 drug abuse prevention program.

紧急政策和程序: Policies 和 procedures to make sure all university personnel are equipped to deal with emergencies in a professional, 负责和彻底的态度.

先锋警报: 先锋警报 is an emergency notification system that gives WBU the ability to quickly inform our Wayl和 family of campus disturbances, 天气问题, 人身安全突发事件.

第九条信息: Sexual Misconduct 和 discrimination campus resources (includes gender equity, 性骚扰, 性暴力, 跟踪, 以及歧视问题)

疫苗接种政策: 学校有关接种疫苗的政策.



投诉/上诉过程: 学生申诉政策和程序

电脑使用及文件共享: Policy regarding computer use 和 file sharing

侵犯版权 : Institutional policies 和 sanctions pertaining to copyright infringement

信用证转让清晰度的协议: Policy used regarding the transfer of credit earned at another higher education institution 和 a list of any institutions with which the institution has established an articulation agreement.


提款要求和程序: Requirements 和 procedures for officially withdrawing from the institution



毕业率: 所有第一次的毕业率, 按性别划分的全日制本科生, 种族/民族, 以及经济援助接受者

Graduation Rates for Students Receiving Athletically Related Student Aid: Graduation rates for 第一次, 全职 student athletes receiving athletic financial aid

研究生的信息: 就业的, 和 participation in graduate 和 professional education by graduates of the institution

保留: 攻读学位的保留率, 第一次, 全职, undergraduate students entering the institution

选民登记: 下载选民登记表格